Lingual brace case studies
Lingual braces are now proving popular for people who are wanting a more discreet teeth straightening option than ceramic braces or even Invisalign®. One of our most popular chosen brands for lingual braces is Incognito™ lingual braces.
You may be wondering are lingual braces right for you? Lingual braces are custom-made from gold using state of the art technology to ensure they are an exact fit for your teeth.
Lingual braces are fitted to the back of the teeth, making them an invisible orthodontic option. This normally plays a key factor in adults choosing lingual braces over a different orthodontic appliance. When it comes to adapting to lingual braces in the short term it may take some time for you to get used to. You may experience a little discomfort for the first ten days or so, but once you get used to them you should find them very easy to live with.
When it comes to caring for your teeth during lingual brace treatment you have to be diligent when cleaning your teeth because the placement of lingual braces makes it harder for you to check whether you have brushed away all the food and drink particles. Be careful when brushing the braces as food can easily get stuck in and could cause plaque to form.
If you are interested in this treatment then please get in touch with us and we can book an initial consultation for you to speak to one of our experienced orthodontists.