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Tag: retainers

How do Lingual braces work?

Lingual braces

Lingual braces are a great option for people who may not like the idea of being able to see the metal on their teeth. While they look different from traditional metal braces, they work in almost the same way.  Lingual braces can be used to perfect your smile and no one will know that you're even having orthodontic treatment done. 

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Why retainers are so important


Everyone breathes that sigh of relief once their braces are taken off. They have the freedom to eat what they want and smile to show off their new teeth. After braces always come retainers, which can be easy to forget about. So why do I need to wear one?

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A Fresh Start: The Benefits of Choosing Braces

new year new smile braces

For most people a fresh start to the year is always a great idea, so that they can start a diet or quit smoking. If that is the case, why not start it with braces. If you have crooked or gappy teeth you may want to consider fixing your teeth as a new years resolution. Continue reading this blog to find out the benefits of choosing braces!

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