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 Lingual braces

Lingual braces are a great option for people who may not like the idea of being able to see the metal on their teeth. While they look different from traditional metal braces, they work in almost the same way.  Lingual braces can be used to perfect your smile and no one will know that you're even having orthodontic treatment done. 

What do Lingual braces look like?

They are custom-made from gold so that they fit perfectly to the shape of your teeth. They are made up of brackets and wires. Lingual braces are fitted to the backs of your teeth, so the front of your teeth stay untouched. Once your treatment is complete you will be fitted with a bonded retainer that permanently stays behind your front teeth and a clear night time retainer.  To ensure the results of your orthodontic treatment lasts forever, we advise long term wear and maintenance of your retainers. Orthodontic treatment is an investment that can give you a lifetime of smiles and happiness.

How do Lingual braces straighten my teeth?

Like all braces, lingual braces use gentle forces to straighten your teeth so that they gradually move into the straight position you’ve always wanted. At each of your visits to your orthodontist or orthodontic clinician, they will adjust the lingual braces. This may involve the wires becoming slightly stronger to help your teeth move into place or close gaps with elastic chain.

At your initial consultation, your orthodontist will assess your mouth, take records of your teeth and face, then discuss treatment plan options.  Appliance options can be demonstrated and a predicted time scale is given, all of which will be outlined in a written treatment plan that will come out to you in the post. This will guide through the treatment process and help you understand how your new smile will be achieved.

Am I the right candidate for Lingual braces?

Lingual braces are suitable for people of all ages, from children to adults. Lingual braces can fix both overcrowding and spaced teeth and there’s no need to worry if you have an irregular bite as it is possible to use a lingual appliance to correct this too. If you have a severe misaligned jaw, then lingual braces can help but the braces may form part of a larger treatment plan including jaw surgery.

If you’re interested in Lingual braces, then contact us here at Oldham to book a consultation.