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Running from 14th May to 14th June 2018, National Smile Month is the UK’s largest and longest-running campaign to promote good oral health.

National Smile Month | Oldham Orthodontics

To celebrate the campaign and to help spread awareness about the importance of excellent oral health, here we offer a few top tips on how orthodontic care can help to keep your teeth and gums in great shape and your smile as bright and attractive as ever!

The benefits of teeth straightening

Many patients seek orthodontic care because their teeth are misaligned or gapped and they are concerned about the cosmetic appearance of their smile. However, orthodontic treatment such as teeth-straightening using dental braces can also have a significantly positive effect on oral health.

When teeth overlap this can leave pockets and crevasses between the teeth and gums that can be difficult to clean even when brushing and flossing thoroughly. This can result in the build up of food debris, one of the main reasons for the formation of plaque - a soft, sticky film that forms on the teeth and contains millions of bacteria.

Plaque weakens the teeth and gum line and can ultimately lead to Gum Disease and tooth loss.

Dealing with overcrowded teeth

Crowded teeth can be caused by several factors such as jaw displacement, irregular tooth size and even past dental trauma, but can be remedied with orthodontic treatment that helps to straighten and re-direct the growth of each tooth. If untreated, overcrowded teeth commonly create a range of dental health issues, including premature wear to tooth enamel and the onset of gum disease.

Helping to avoid future issues

Even if oral health is good, when teeth are misaligned this can affect the way we bite down when eating and sleeping, exerting additional pressure to our jaw joints that we may not notice for many years. Orthodontic treatment helps to align the teeth into a more natural position, which helps to avoid future issues with jaw pain and soreness. 

Get in touch

If you have concerns about oral health or would like to find out more about maintaining a healthy smile, please contact the team at Oldham Orthodontics on 0161 6220987.